Writing successful blog articles is sometimes difficult. First, you have an idea for an article in your head but somehow you find it difficult to get it down on paper, or you write your post but somehow the common thread is missing and you can’t find the error.
In this write-up, I will deal with helpful tips for writing successful articles.
See, writing a successful blog post is just a tad more difficult and everything just has to fit here: The common thread, the relevance for your readers, useful information, and emotionality that your readers can address or even relate to, but one thing connects both, the structure!
I don’t mean the points of introduction, main part, or conclusion, but your content preparation. It all starts with your idea for your blog post about the key messages and ends with the finale. You have to know who you want to address specifically and convey what you want to say. You should offer your reader a benefit, bring in your own tonality and in the end, after your readers interact with you, they will comment on and share your post. Achieving all of this with a blog article is quite a number. In this post, I will explain how I proceed and give you specific options for action along the way.
1. Be SEO-minded when writing successful blog articles
When writing successful blog articles, even before you set out to choose a topic to write about, you should think about incorporating Search Engine Optimization (SEO) into your article. This will mean, knowing what keyword(s) you’ll be optimizing for.
If you’re using a content management system such as WordPress, your work even becomes easier, since there are a plethora of very excellent SEO plugins you can use. Currently, I use Rankmath.
2. The content must benefit your reader.
No matter what idea you have for your blog article, the content must always be useful to your reader.
Always think about what your reader should take with them at the beginning. With what knowledge should s/he leave my blog again? Have I made him/her think? For what should your article inspire them?
If you can’t answer that in advance, don’t write the post. This is very important when writing successful blog articles.
3. Your opinion makes the difference.
Filling an article with facts and publishing it is no art. A contribution with just an opinion but without facts is not necessarily artistic. Depending on the genre, such a blog post can also be easily shared.
A blog post that contains your own opinion and maybe also classifies the facts in their context often makes the difference to many other articles on the net with your topic.
The advantage is not only that you stand out from other blogs but also show your expertise and at the same time pay into your brand.
4. Imagine your reader
Personae are often used in online and content marketing. A persona is a specific customer and the absolute dream customer. You imagine a person with all their facets: how old they are, what gender they have, where they come from, what their marital status is, what hobbies they have, what their goals are, wishes, fears, worries, and hopes are, what job she has, etc.
The more specifically this person is worked out, the easier it is to create very specific offers and content. This is exactly what you can do for your blog article. So don’t just imagine what knowledge, insights, emotions, etc. your reader should leave your blog with but visualize your absolute dream reader directly. What should your reader bring with them? What would interest or excite him so much that he or she shares, comments, likes, or otherwise interacts with your articles? Keeping this in mind can make it a lot easier for you to write useful and great blog articles.
5. Allow your articles to be scanned
With the internet, a vast amount of knowledge has come online and it is not for nothing that, people often speak of content overload. It’s not possible to read everything. Some readers are just looking for information that is quick and easy to consume and others want to dig deeper into a topic. Hence the need to allow your blogs to be easily scanned when writing successful blog articles.
This is your chance to pick up both types of readers with your blog article. By putting important and relevant words in bold or italics, you have the chance to pick up the readers who just want to scan over the text and take information with them. At the same time, you can address readers who would likely take more time for you and your knowledge. You also push your search engine optimization (SEO), as the highlighting of words is rated positively by Google.
6. Subheadings convey knowledge
Subheadings help the reader know what to expect in the next paragraph or the paragraph after that. On the one hand, you take the people who scan your texts by the hand and guide them through your text, and also, you are already offering anchor points for your blog post, in order to address interested readers and invite them to read your article. It’s therefore very important to do this when writing successful blog articles.
What you shouldn’t be doing is clickbait. That’s completely out of place. You should also avoid it in your headline. This is because, in the end, your reader will only be disappointed and not come back, and not to mention that, your articles will definitely not be recommended.
7. Tell a story
The subject of storytelling is basically simply told and yet difficult to implement. How do you tell a story? What if there is no story to tell because sometimes it’s all about facts, like a recipe. Then you have the choice to work with examples or to talk about how you came up with the topic.
For example, this blog article came about because I read somewhere on Facebook that a novice writer wanted to know how one starts writing successful blog articles.
The content of the post wasn’t new and in the last few months, I have often wondered what else I could say about blogging. He inspired me to remind myself that not everything has to be new. It’s perfectly fine to bring up an already familiar topic with the information I find important. It is not for nothing that it is said that man learns through repetition and some topics are allowed to repeat themselves because often enough they are forgotten.
8. Give your readers a call to action
Your blog article is now ready. You put a lot of heart and soul, knowledge, and passion into it, and now is the time to directly ask your readers to do something.
Maybe you have a shop, then you would have to invite others to visit it and find out about your products or services. Perhaps you would like feedback on your opinion, your research article, or statements in your blog post. Simply ask your readers to write their opinions and views in the comments section. This is one sure way of writing successful blog articles.
No matter what you want from your readers, write it very well using blog post examples read somewhere. That’s totally okay and some readers just don’t see that, they should or should do it. Often, a reminder or invitation is needed. There is nothing wrong with that, on the contrary.
9. Throw out what’s just blah
Even when an article is finished, and knowing what to write in a blog, I recommend that you leave it for one night and read it again the next day. This is not only used to find possible typing errors, but also to sharpen the content. I have revised this text alone and made changes more than thrice to get to the point before I send it to my editor.
Yes, I proofread my texts to be double sure. Through my years of blogging, my writing has improved significantly in terms of content and grammar. Nevertheless, I work with the GRAMMARLY tool to correct further errors before I send it to the editing department to make sure that my blog article is as error-free as possible.
When I revise a text, I make sure not to use sentences that are too long, to avoid filler words, and to formulate them simply. When writing successful blog articles, simplicity is my slogan. Hence I try to avoid formulating difficult sentences and big words. I do this because I want everyone to understand what I mean. That to me is very important.
10. Your headline decides the click.
When your readers are looking for content, they’ll click on the headline that sounds most promising to them. This is a sure bait to writing successful blog articles. It could be that they are looking for information on a topic, need a solution to a problem, or simply want to be inspired. The title is extremely important and not only does it have to inspire you to click, but it also has to convey the content that you are promising.
I always start with a headline that, on the one hand, conveys my topic but is also just a placeholder at the same time. The headline serves as a guide to what I want to write.
When I’m working on my article and it’s done, I’ll go back to my title and see how I can sharpen it because, when I wrote the headline, I didn’t fully know how my blog article would develop, how many tips I would give or how many elements it would have. I give myself the space to then check how I can use the headline to convey my text and what I want to say. So my tip is, first formulate a working headline and only smoothen it out at the end.
11. Offer recognition, create parallels
When writing successful blog articles, the way you write is a form of recognition. People who met me live for the first time and so far only read my blog often told me that in “real” I was the same as on my blog.
I see that as a great compliment because pretending is not my style.
On the contrary: I am very direct and very often offend but everyone always knows what he or she is about me and I believe that this is a positive trait. Achieving recognition among your readers should also be your goal. The more your readers can identify with your experiences, tips, recommendations, opinions, etc., the more willing they are to interact with you.
For example, I like to share posts on social networks if they correspond to my values and worldview and if they have content that I find good and right. You can basically do that with almost any blog article. In a recipe, you can explain which mistakes often happen during preparation and how they can be avoided. Recognition does not only take place through an optical design but also through the way and what you write.
Writing successful blog articles, or how to write engaging blog posts, should not only have a common thread but also take your reader with them stylistically. In the end, it’s the little things that turn a good blog article into a very good one and it is precisely these details that I am describing here, that can help you to bring that certain something to your blog article.
For example, in my articles, I take great care to write in such a way that, I can understand them when I have no idea. I always have the reader in mind who has no clue about the subject I’m writing about, and I have to explain my topics to them as simply as possible.
Basically, I write the way I would like articles for myself and so far this has been very successful for me. That’s exactly what I wish you also do.
What do you look for in blog articles? Feel free to write me your tips in the comments!